We all are 2030 Agenda
The Ineco Agenda 2030 Plan for the 2022 fiscal year details the initiatives and actions that Ineco will promote and develop this year to achieve the 17 Sustainable Development Goals.
As of 2022, a sixth axis of action, Alliances (in addition to Equality, Work-Life Balance, Solidarity, Sustainability and Compliance ) will be incorporated, which aims to promote and deepen collaborations that will effectively strengthen actions aimed at meeting the objectives of the 2030 Agenda Plan.
With this new plan, Ineco will have the following objectives:
With this new plan, Ineco will have the following objectives:
The Equality Plan is Ineco's main lever for continuing to make progress in achieving real and effective equality between women and men, as well as contributing to the elimination of all forms of discrimination against women.
Click here to know more.
Great possibilities offered by new technologies, which provide increasingly immediate and real-time access to information, together with more global and dynamic management formats, encourage the gradual evolution toward flexible, agile and adaptive work organisation models that enable people to achieve a better balance between personal, family and work life.
Every day, society is more and more concerned and engaged in the search for a sustainable future. At Ineco, we are working to keep up with this reality, being a driving force for change to achieve this future.
In order to do this, we develop avant-garde studies and designs in which sustainability is always essential, like innovative solutions in transportation that include the search for the reduction of environmental impact and the preservation of the environment as part of their key points.
In addition, we promote initiatives that encourage sustainable mobility within the company and allow us to continue to gradually reduce our carbon footprint.
We are committed to the participation of people in the change towards a fairer and more egalitarian society. As an organization, we are aware of our commitment to promote it. We believe in the capability of new applied technologies to social action and in the creation of innovative ways of approach as well as in the collaboration of the different social sectors to advance in this process of social transformation.
Click here to learn about our solidarity programs.
Ineco's Compliance Program includes mechanisms and policies for the prevention of the commission of actions that may constitute a crime and that may entail a risk of criminal charges for the company as a legal entity as well as for its employees, managers and administrators. It generates a double value, being a guarantee of respect for legality and trust in its stakeholders.
In this sense, the Alliances Program seeks to promote and deepen, in collaboration with other public and private organisations and agents, cooperation in the design and promotion of actions and initiatives aimed at meeting the objectives of the 2030 Agenda Plan. The company is also committed to the creation of a work network that allows for the promotion of collaboration among all Ineco teams, regardless of their work center and geographic location.