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Linking cities, bringing people together fast, comfortably and safely. That is the aim of a high-quality road network.

Spain has the most extensive network of high capacity roads in Europe. Ineco has been on the front line of these operations, participating in the modernisation of the existing roads, planning new roads and participating in their construction.

This experience has led us to be awarded important international contracts, with a considerable presence in the rest of Europe and Latin America.

Main Projects
  • Infra_Adapt: Adaptation to climate change
  • Ripcord-Iserest
  • Mario Covas Ring-road (São Paulo) - Northern Section project coordination
  • Construction and Routing Project M-40
  • Upgrading of the signalling on three highways
  • Roads in Ecuador: drafts, designs, structuring and supervision
  • Roads in Spain: Informative Studies, Detailed Designs and Technical Assistance
  • Pilot4safety
  • Implementation of the BIM methodology in projects of the Roadway Infrastructure Programme
  • National Transport Plan
  • Engineering Services E-20 highway, Santo Domingo-Esmeraldas
  • First Generation Highways Upgrade Plan
  • Supervising Agent Guadalajara-Colima highway