Ineco is leading a Spanish consortium formed by IDOM, Geoconsult, Carlos Fernández Casado, Hualca Ingenieros and Arenas y Asociados in the development of this key megaproject for the Peruvian government, which will benefit more than 15 million people.
The Daniel Alcides Carrión highway, also known as the "New Central Highway", will connect Metropolitan Lima with the Central Amazonian Macro-Region made up of six regions: Huánuco, Pasco, Junín, Junín, Ucayali, Huancavelica and Lima, thus becoming the second most important highway in the country, after the Pan-American Highway, thanks to its 185 kilometres. The infrastructure will have two lanes in each direction, more than 35 kilometres of tunnels and 15 kilometres of bridges and viaducts to overcome its complicated orography.
Technical information
The largest Andean Road project
It is estimated that the more than 12,000 vehicles expected to circulate daily will be able to travel from the district of Ate in Lima to La Oroya in less than two and a half to three and a half hours, depending on their type, which will allow the Peruvian economy to grow and facilitate exports of agricultural, mining and handicraft products, among other sectors in the central macro-region with the capital and, in particular, with the port of El Callao and Jorge Chávez airport.
The infrastructure will also promote ecological and archaeological tourism by applying innovative measures for climate change adaptation, low-carbon construction, water management and renewable energy production.