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Compliance and Ethics

In order to consolidate its commitment to the promotion of a true ethical business culture within Ineco, the Board of Directors and the Management Committee of Ineco have approved an Organisational and Criminal Risk Management Model inspired by the principles of rejection of illicit or criminal practices, the desire to create a culture of regulatory compliance within the organisation with real and effective involvement, and the prevention, detection and reaction to the commission or possible commission of any infraction. The Model is made up of different mechanisms, procedures and tools that prevent, detect, manage and react to the criminal risks identified in relation to Ineco's activities, composition and internal functioning

Internal Communication and Complaint Channel
Internal Communication and Complaint Channel

One of the tools that make up the Model is the Internal Communication and Whistleblowing Channel (Compliance Channel), through which all persons who form part of Ineco's stakeholders (employees, suppliers, bidders, customers and any other person) can report any conduct or events of which they are aware that may involve a breach of Ineco's internal rules and procedures and/or current legislation, as well as raise queries about the purpose and scope of Ineco's Compliance Programme.

Regulatory Compliance Committee
Regulatory Compliance Committee

A body has been created to manage the complaints and communications received, the Regulatory Compliance Committee, which has autonomous powers of initiative and control and is entrusted with the maximum responsibility for the interpretation and application of the Compliance Programme


Complaints and communications can be made anonymously or by name through the following means:

  • Send the complaint or communication to the e-mail address
  • Send the complaint or communication by post, for the attention of the Compliance Committee or Regulatory Compliance Committee, to the following address: Paseo de la Habana 138, 28036, Madrid.
  • Formulate the complaint or communication verbally, requesting a face-to-face meeting with the Regulatory Compliance Committee to verbally communicate the complaint. The application can be made by any of the above means.

Verbal communications shall be documented, subject to the informant's consent, without prejudice to the informant being able to verify, rectify and accept by signature the documentation of the conversation.

The use of the Compliance Channel must be in accordance with the requirements of good faith and must be used rigorously, seriously and responsibly. This Channel may not be used for personal or unlawful purposes.

The informant is under a duty of confidentiality regarding the report made, as well as the identity of the person or persons to whom the report refers and the facts and documents that are the subject of the report. It shall also be fully available to cooperate with the Regulatory Compliance Committee throughout the investigation process.

Confidentiality of the identity of the informant, of persons who may be involved, as well as of the content of the communication is guaranteed.