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Public Administration´s Digitization Plan

Support in launching the plan

Over the last two decades, successive Spanish governments have adopted programs for digital advancement, aligned with European digital agendas, which have served as a framework to promote a process of infrastructure deployment and development of a business ecosystem and technology in a key area for economic productivity, territorial structuring and social progress.

As a result of these programs, Spain has a very favorable position to face the next phase of the country's digital transformation process and is also well placed in the digitization of the Administration.

The exceptional situation derived from the COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated the digitization process, highlighting the strengths and also the shortcomings both from an economic, social and territorial point of view.

In this context, the European Commission has presented a strategy that contains a set of measures for a Digital Transformation that benefits all citizens and institutions. These measures are articulated in the plan published in January 2021 for the Digitalization of Public Administrations. Plan that promotes the Digital Transformation of Spain as one of the fundamental key to relaunch economic growth, reduce inequality, increase productivity, and take advantage of all the opportunities offered by these new technologies.

For all this, the SGAD has trusted Ineco to collaborate with the organization by providing an expert and specialized team in the different areas of the Administration's digital transformation, capable of responding to the needs derived from the plan and catalyzing a digital transformation through of technological innovation. In the same way, support for the improvement proposals is contemplated from the review of the initiatives derived from the initially defined plans.

The most relevant work packages for this assignment are:

  • Development of mobile services for the mobilization of services to citizens.
  • Rationalization of portals made available to citizens to improve the user experience.
  • One-click administration: evolution and modernization of notification systems, registration systems, electronic billing systems and / or document management.
  • Multichannel Service 060, multichannel service for citizen service.
  • Intelligent automation service
  • Management and transparent exchange of information through new data management models.
  • Cloud infrastructure service for the implementation of a strategy for the provision of services based on Cloud technologies by the different departments of the General State Administration.
  • Smart workstation for the development new workstation, connectivity and collaboration solutions that enable mobility and remote work of public employees.
  • Deployment of the cybersecurity operations center and the cybersecurity of the services provided by the SGAD, which includes both the actions aimed at the implementation process of the Cybersecurity Operations Center of the AGE and its Public Bodies (COCS), as well as the adaptation and certification in accordance with the National Security Scheme (ENS) of the services provided by the SGAD.
  • Management of the communication strategy to offer transversal support to all communication tasks associated with the Digitalization Plan of Public Administrations.
  • Management of the Plan, offering cross-support to all coordination and management tasks, also considering the interaction and coordination between the three axes identified in the plan and executed by the different public administrations, both from the AGE and from the regional and local governments.

Technical information

General Secretariat of Digital Administration (SGAD)
Execution period:
2020 - Present

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