19th Geographic Information Technologies Congress
Laura Martín, BIM technician, presented our BIM-GIS integration methodology and the use of 3D GIS web viewers at the 19th Geographic Information Technology Congress.
This innovative solution improves the technical quality of the solution as a whole, as well as the environmental integration of the project. It explores the potential of consultation and visualisation of the results for better understanding, and it optimises coordination between the different disciplines involved by providing a common information environment in which all of them coexist.
With the slogan “TIG al servicio de los ODS” (GIT at the service of the SDGs) in this edition, this congress sought to contribute to the achievement of the SDGs 2030, highlighting the potential of geotechnologies and identifying the objectives and indicators to which the activity of the GIT community collaborates to transform the economic, social and environmental context towards a more sustainable future at all scales, at global, regional and local levels.