Patricia Rey, during her presentation
The Director General of Engineering and Consultancy, Patricia Rey, participated in the conference "Opportunities and challenges in the circular economy of civil engineering", organised by the Association of Civil Engineers.
Under the title "The circular strategy in engineering. Planning and development of projects", Patricia Rey highlighted: "Ineco's role as an integrating agent of the circular economy in all modes and at all stages of the life cycle of projects". In addition, she also pointed out that: "it is extremely important to consider the circular economy from the earliest stages of a project, making an initial estimate of any environmental impact assessment and specifying it to a greater extent in construction projects which, in addition, by following a suitable methodology, allow for easier traceability in the construction phase".
This presentation was part of a block on climate change, the Strategic Plan for the Circular Economy and waste treatment in public works, in which Raquel Gómez, Director of Programmes at the Subdirectorate General for the Circular Economy, Ministry for Ecological Transition and the Demographic Challenge, also participated; Álvaro Navareño, technical director of the General Directorate of Roads of the Ministry of Transport, Mobility and Urban Agenda; Rosa Matas, head of the Environmental Impact Assessment and Acoustic Management Area of Adif; and Manuel Arana, director of Planning and Development of Puertos del Estado.
Ineco has its own methodology for the preparation of Construction and Demolition Waste (CDW) Management Studies, which has been adapted both to regulatory changes and to the best available techniques. In all projects, Ineco ensures that more than 70% (by weight) of the non-hazardous waste generated is destined for recovery or recycling operations in order to comply with the "Do Not Significant Harm" principle, detailing in which parts of the project this principle is complied with. It should also be noted that in the last four years, during the preparation of Adif construction projects, Ineco has been developing solutions for the correct management of railway materials to be uninstalled so that they can be reused as far as possible.