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The Civil Engineers Association of Madrid brings engineering closer to students in Ineco's Tech Garage

June 20, 2024

Ineco's Tech Garage has once again hosted a student visit, organised together with the Civil Engineers Association of Madrid. Students in the 4th year of ESO and 1st year Bachelor from six High schools in Madrid, accompanied by the Director of Professional Services and Member Services of the Madrid Region, Andrés Lorenzo, have learnt about the work we carry out in our company, trying out a sample of our technological capabilities through our drone simulators and vertiports, the BIM room or with DiGAV, the visual inspection device for railway track maintenance based on artificial intelligence.

The president of Ineco, Sergio Vázquez Torrón, and the Engineering and Consultancy  Director, Patricia Rey, took part in the meeting held in the Tech Garage that the company has in Egeo, highlighting the multidisciplinary nature of Ineco's professionals, the holistic vision provided by having more than 250 technical specialities and the promotion of collaborative spaces in which innovation is being promoted.

In line with our Strategic Plan objectives, this event aims to foster interest in STEAM careers and present them as a career option in the early stages of academic development, as well as highlighting engineering as a discipline with a direct impact on people's quality of life.