Miguel Ángel, an Engineering graduate, and Candela, a Law graduate, are the students who will receive the Ineco Alumni Scholarships at the Carlos III University of Madrid..
Francisco Cifuentes, Deputy Director of Railway Planning and Services, was our representative at the ceremony to present these scholarships, the result of the collaboration agreement that our company has had with the University for five years and which is part of our Social Scholarship Programme.
This programme allocates, in 2024, 50 scholarships and nearly 200,000 euros to young people whose economic, family or disability situation makes it difficult for them to carry out their studies. These grants are divided among STEM students in their final years of undergraduate or master's degrees at the universities of A Coruña, Carlos III de Madrid, León, Politécnica de Cataluña, Politécnica de Madrid, Politécnica de Valencia and Rey Juan Carlos; for the MUM and Eslabón Associations and the Victoria and Mujeres Foundations, within the framework of Ineco's Horizonte Programme to support women survivors of gender-based violence; to financially support the cost of the stay and maintenance of young people who, once they have reached the age of majority, continue to be supported by the NGO Aldeas Infantiles to guarantee the continuity of their studies; the Opportunity for Talent grants from the ONCE Foundation, aimed at people with disabilities; and, finally, for the training programme provided by the Norte Joven organisation for the social and labour integration of young people in a situation of social disadvantage. In addition, this year, the programme has been extended internationally to reach Mexico and Costa Rica.