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Did you know that domestic passenger mobility in Spain has increased by more than 25%?

Did you know that domestic passenger mobility in Spain has increased by more than 25%?

Did you know that domestic passenger mobility in Spain has increased by more than 25%?

February 28, 2023

After the sharp drop in traffic in 2020 caused by the COVID-19 health crisis in our country, domestic passenger mobility experienced an increase of 25.4% in 2021; a higher growth than that of freight, which was 10.7% in tonnes transported, as freight traffic was less affected by mobility restrictions than passenger traffic. 

These are some of the data extracted from the new OTLE annual report on the transport situation in Spain in 2021 presented by Rocío Báguena and Alejandro Martos from MITMA and the report on the railway observatory in our country also presented at the 10th Annual Conference of the Spanish Transport and Logistics Observatory (OTLE).

Esther Durán, from the Transport Economics and Policy Department, gave a presentation on transport and mobility from a socio-economic perspective, together with Jorge Patiño from MITMA. Since 2013, an Ineco technical team has been providing support in the definition, maintenance and updating of the OTLE database; and the design and calculation of a battery of indicators that provides a transversal and multimodal vision of the transport system and the drafting of the Observatory's annual reports.

The OTLE is intended to be a reference framework for consultation, analysis and decision-making by transport-stakeholders. All the updated information and presentations used at the conference will be available on its website in the coming days, including the OTLE annual report 2022.

Participación de Ineco

Un equipo técnico de Ineco presta apoyo, desde 2013, en la definición, mantenimiento y actualización de la base de datos del OTLE; y el diseño y cálculo de una batería de indicadores que permite obtener una visión transversal y multimodal del sistema de transportes y de la redacción de los informes anuales del Observatorio.

El OTLE tiene como objetivo ser un marco de referencia para la consulta, el análisis y la toma de decisiones de los agentes relacionados con el transporte. Toda la información actualizada y las presentaciones utilizadas en la jornada están disponibles en su web, incluyendo el informe anual del OTLE de 2022.