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Did you know?...Cape Verde has entrusted Ineco with the development of its airport plan

Cape Verde relies on Ineco again

Cape Verde relies on Ineco again

June 10, 2024

Ineco reinforces its presence in Cape Verde with a new contract to carry out the master plans for the four international airports and three aerodromes in the African country with a horizon of 2063. This is the company's first project with the new concessionaire, Cabo Verde Airports, formed by VINCI Airports and ANA, Aeroportos de Portugal, which has taken over the country's four international airports and three domestic airports. 

Ineco has been collaborating with the Cape Verdean authorities for more than 20 years with projects such as the expansion and modernisation of the international airports of Boa Vista and Sal and the renovation of the taxiway at Praia international airport. Ineco had previously drawn up the master plans for the four international airports in this country, a task in which it has long experience acquired both in Spain, with its work for the Aena network, and in master plans abroad in countries such as Morocco, Kuwait and Saudi Arabia.

Recently, the government of Cape Verde trusted our company for the preparation of an obstacle and safety analysis for the implementation of night and instrument flight operations for the São Filipe aerodrome on the island of Fogo and for the development of a feasibility study for the location of a new greenfield airport on the island of Santo Antão. Projects like these increase our positioning in Africa.