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Forum about innovation in the air navigation sector

Forum about innovation in the air navigation sector

Forum about innovation in the air navigation sector

January 27, 2022

Ineco held the Ineco Forum session “ Navegación Aérea CRIDA: innovar en un mundo cambiante (Air Navigation CRIDA-  innovating in a changing world)”, in which, a wide representation of the main agents in the sector took part. The session has been opened by Sergio Vázquez Torrón, president of Ineco, and presented by Daniel Latorre, Strategy and Management Control director.

The event that has been moderated by Francisco Olmedo, the person in charge of the Enaire Account at Ineco, was attended by representatives of CRIDA, led by its director, José Miguel de Pablo, who sought to share the objectives of the R&D Center of Reference in ATM, what is its function and show the main projects and technologies that apply, especially in the areas of digitalisation, machine-learning, artificial intelligence, big data, etc. In addition, Ineco's Technical Surveillance and Innovation Manager, Natalia Díaz, make the company's air navigation innovation projects know. Subsequently, it was held a discussion table in which the director of CRIDA, together with Ineco's deputy director of Aerospace Systems, Víctor Bustos, and the company's Air Space managers, Andrés Redondo and Chema Rísquez, shared the applicability of CRIDA technologies in Ineco for the development of cutting-edge solutions that allow progress towards the digitalisation and sustainability of the sector.

During his speech, the Ineco president highlighted Ineco's collaboration and participation in CRIDA, together with Enaire and the Universidad Politécnica of Madrid , as a fundamental tool for facing and overcoming the great challenges of air navigation. "We have to support each other to make the aviation sector more digital and sustainable, advancing within the framework of the trends and guidelines set by the European Commission and Eurocontrol, towards a  European Single Digital Sky", also highlighting that this kind of collaboration, " reinforce the three strengths that backbone Ineco's activity: Innovation, sustainable mobility and digital transformation"

Since 2019 and been this the 13th edition of the Ineco Forum meetings, it is offered a space for the dissemination of knowledge and collaboration between different players in the field of engineering and consulting.