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Ineco, awared for its commitment to victims of gender-based violence

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July 12, 2023

The Asociación Mujeres Unidas Contra el Maltrato (Women United Against Abuse Association) has recognised Ineco with the MUM Award for the company's unconditional support for victims of gender violence, as well as for its defence of equality between people and, in short, for its work to contribute to the eradication of violence against women.

Since 2020, Ineco has had the Horizonte Programme: Against gender violence, an initiative aimed at training and raising awareness in the search for and incorporation, or reincorporation, into the world of work of both women and their children, through the signing of collaboration agreements with associations that help in this area. The company is currently collaborating with Eslabón Association, Mujeres Unidas Contra el Maltrato Association (MUM), Mujeres Foundation and Victoria Association, focusing new efforts with study grants for women, their children and orphans who are victims of this scourge, unfortunately so present in our society.

Horizonte Programme

In 2022, Ineco will strengthen the programme by also focusing on orphans, children and adolescents who are victims of gender-based violence and who need financial assistance to continue their studies and build an independent future. Ineco is helping to make this possible, having awarded 8 study grants so far, 4 in 2022 and 4 in 2023.

Among the milestones achieved to date, the incorporation into the company of ten women or children who are victims of gender-based violence. Also, the "Back to Employment" training aimed at helping 32 users of the associations to train their skills for the active search for employment or the personalised accompaniment of 32 users of the associations in their search for work thanks to volunteers from the organisation.

The award ceremony will take place on November 16 at the Ateneo de Madrid.