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Ineco at Future Air Transportation Systems Summit

Ineco at Future Air Transportation Systems Summit

Ineco at Future Air Transportation Systems Summit

January 20, 2015

Ineco has been present at the Future Air Transportation Systems Summit, which has taken place in Dubai the past 18th and 19th of January. This event, hosted by the Civil Aviation Authority of the United Arab Emirates, has congregated the most prominent representatives in the aeronautical sector, and has become a meeting point to showcase solutions to address the future of air traffic management.

Ineco has delivered a speech on A-CDM (Airport Collaborative Decision-Making), which highlighted that “this new procedure, based on information sharing, improves the decision-making process in airport operations as well as efficiency, both in terms of time and cost”.

Our company participates in important projects in the area, in countries such as Oman, Kuwait, United Arab Emirates or Saudi Arabia, among others.