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Ineco is intended to be available to the Anti-Corruption Prosecutor's Office to provide all the documentation on Jésica Rodríguez's employment relationship



March 6, 2025

INECO, transport engineering and consultancy company, wishes to inform the media of its full willingness to cooperate with the Public Prosecutor's Office in the context of the recent statements made in the Supreme Court by Jésica Rodríguez.

The public company reveals that the statements made by this person, on last February 27, in relation to her employment relationship with the company, do not coincide with the existing internal documentation and her own actions that she herself recorded. For this reason, INECO wishes to underline its commitment to transparency and justice, and has made available to the Anti-Corruption Prosecutor's Office today all the relevant documentation, which reliably accredits the monitoring that the company carried out on its labour activity:

  • Employment Contract.
  • Legal relationship between Ineco and Adif Alta Velocidad that led to the hiring of   Ms. Rodriguez.
  • Time and attendance records and work reports showing the hours worked and assigned to the project
  • E-mails detailing their weekly workload, hours worked per day and holiday requests. 
    Communications with their managers regarding incidents in the performance of their duties - Vacation requests - Monthly certifications of the work carried out by Ineco, reviewed, approved and paid for by the client Adif Alta Velocidad
  • Monthly certifications of the work carried out by Ineco, reviewed, approved and paid for by the client Adif Alta Velocidad

For Ineco, its professionals are its main asset, having promoted over the last three years a deep labour transformation based on stabilising employment, strengthening professional careers and improving transparency standards throughout the human resources policy. This priority will continue to be the central focus of Ineco, whose talent, rigour and solvency are the company's hallmarks.