Ineco oversees the execution of the railway works for the adaptation to mixed gauge at the Port of Valencia
Did you know that before the entry into service of the tracks, a continuous geometric auscultation must be carried out, which allows, among other things, to justify the tracing parameters included in the Technical Specification for Interoperability? At seaports, an alternative to the use of an auscultation train is to use a manual auscultation cart, operated by specialised technicians. The same system can be applied in preventive maintenance operations.
A good example of this is the geometric verification of the track using an auscultator carriage that Ineco has carried out in the "Remodeling of the Príncipe Felipe dock railway terminal in the port of Valencia", a work to verify the layout parameters included in the TSI (Technical Specification for Interoperability).
These works join others already carried out by the company for the Port Authority of Valencia within the remodeling that has been carried out in this port. Thanks to this project, in addition to the adaptation to mixed gauge, the useful length of tracks has been increased from 600 to 750 meters, allowing longer and more efficient trains to operate.
The Madrid-Valencia freight corridor is one of the most dynamic in the territory. Improvements in infrastructure, that have made possible the transit of trains with a length of 750-meter, have increased the volume of the cargo.