Ineco to represent Tecniberia on the EFCA Digitalisation & BIM Task Force
The European Federation of Engineering Consultancy Associations - EFCA has accepted Jorge Torrico, Ineco's deputy director of BIM, as the candidate to represent Tecniberia on the EFCA Digitalisation & BIM Task Force.
"We share with our European colleagues the importance of the challenge that digitisation poses for engineering and consultancy companies and the need to highlight engineering's role in the digital transformation of construction. A transformation that focuses on the continuity of data, collaborative processes and platforms and BIM as the core of construction 4.0. The EFCA promotes joint action in the Construction Industry, involving the EU's BIM Task Group and the European Commission", said Jorge Torrico, an engineer with more than 20 years of experience in project management, mostly dedicated to the incorporation of the BIM methodology.
The appointment endorses Ineco's commitment to the BIM methodology and its implementation in projects. Among other work, Ineco carried out BIM - GIS integration on the A-76 highway, Ponferrada - Ourense, for the first time in Spain, connecting the world of BIM to the world of geographic information systems (GIS) for the first of the interchanges on the Villamartín de la Abadía - Requejo section. This work was recognized internationally with the Special Achievement in GIS (SAG) Award given by Esri, one of the world's leading companies in software for Geographic Information Systems.