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Ineco´s sustainable mobility strategy, recognised as the best in the public sector

Luis Janeiro, People Director, collected the award

Luis Janeiro, People Director, collected the award

May 5, 2023

Ineco has been awarded in the Third Edition of the International Mobility Awards in the "Public Company" category. The award recognises and highlights the company's Sustainable Mobility Strategy: a set of initiatives in force since 2021, which aim to contribute to achieving the environmental commitments assumed by Spain within the framework of the European Union, specifically compliance with the Climate Change and Energy Transition Law and RDL 24/2021, and the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals.

The Sustainable Mobility Strategy enables the company to promote and advise on the use of more environmentally friendly modes of mobility: walking, cycling, public transport and zero- and low-emission vehicles. To this end, the company has developed a Sustainable Mobility Training Plan, as well as installing changing rooms, showers, lockers, and a bicycle parking service at its main offices and charging points for electric vehicles. The company has also already replaced part of its fleet with zero-emission vehicles and will gradually complete this renewal process. Among the actions that will be carried out closely is the development of a Transport to Work Plan that will have an impact on all the company's employees in all their journeys.Furthermore, thanks to Ineco's commitment to the teleworking formula, recently extended for its professionals, the use of transport has been reduced, thus reducing gas emissions and, therefore, the company's carbon footprint.

Luis Janeiro, People Director, collected the award accompanied by Carmen Benayas, General Services and Global Mobility Deputy Director. Organised by the Plataforma de Empresas por la Movilidad Sostenible, these awards are supported by the Ministry of Transport, Mobility and Urban Agenda, the CONAMA Foundation and the Royal Academy of Engineering. The International Mobility Awards seek to distinguish good practices and initiatives in mobility, both in the public and private sector. Its objectives are to make success stories visible and to facilitate the dynamisation of the best solutions that help to generate results with positive impacts in the short, medium, and long-term, thus contributing to the achievement of objectives in a more efficient way.

Vehículos 0 emisiones

La compañía también ha sustituido ya parte de su flota por vehículos 0 emisiones y paulatinamente irá completando este proceso de renovación. Entre las acciones que se llevaran a cabo próximamente destaca el Desarrollo de un Plan de transporte al trabajo (PTT) que impacte sobre todas las personas trabajadoras de la compañía en todos sus desplazamientos. Además, gracias a la apuesta de Ineco por la fórmula del teletrabajo, recientemente ampliada para sus profesionales, se ha reducido el uso de transporte y por lo tanto de las emisiones de gases y, por lo tanto, de la huella de carbono de la compañía.

Luis Janeiro, director de Personas, ha recogido este premio acompañado por Carmen Benayas, subdirectora de Servicios Generales y Global Mobility. Organizados por la Plataforma de Empresas por la Movilidad Sostenible, estos galardones cuentan con el apoyo del Ministerio de Transportes, Movilidad y Agenda Urbana, la Fundación CONAMA y la Real Academia de Ingeniería. Los Premios Internacionales de Movilidad buscan distinguir las buenas prácticas e iniciativas en movilidad, tanto del sector público como privado. Sus objetivos son visibilizar casos de éxito y facilitar una dinamización de las mejores soluciones que ayuden a generar resultados con impactos positivos a corto, medio y largo plazo, contribuyendo así a la consecución de los objetivos de forma más eficiente.