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Landing in Iceland to participate in the design of the country's airports

Ineco lands in Iceland to participate in the design of the country's airports

Ineco lands in Iceland to participate in the design of the country's airports

June 27, 2023

Opening up a market in Iceland to become one of the engineering companies that will participate in the design and consultancy works of the airside for ISAVIA, operator of all national and international airports in Iceland. This international contract, in which Leadin Aviation Consulting participates, is in addition to 34 others in which Ineco collaborates with Spanish companies, strengthening its commitment to promoting the weight and role of Spanish engineering. With this objective in mind, Ineco has recently opened a new permanent branch in California, in addition to the 17 branches and 2 international subsidiaries that the public company owns.

The first project of this new framework agreement will allow us to carry out the validation of the BIM models for Keflavik Airport. Ineco will provide the experience acquired in the implementation of the BIM methodology in Spain, being present in the main decision-making groups. In the framework of this new contract, during the design and construction phase of the NTA22 project at Keflavik Airport, we will make available our previous experience in BIM coordination, spanning numerous large-scale projects and different clients over more than ten years.

Keflavík International Airport, considered the largest airport in the country, is located on the Suðurnes peninsula, 50 km from the capital, Reykjavík. This airport concentrates all international flights and is immersed in an ambitious Master Plan that will transform the entire peninsula in which it is located.

A project that adds to our extensive international experience, that has led our teams to participate in the process of expansion and modernisation of the entire Spanish airport network and in some of the most important international projects such as the Project Management and ORAT of Kuwait airport, the design of the new terminal at Schiphol international airport in Amsterdam, the design of the new Heraklion airport in Crete, the expansion of the new terminal at Schiphol international airport in Amsterdam and the expansion of Lima airport, in Peru.