Luis Paisán, Carolina Ajates and José Manuel Rísquez; experts from Ineco, speakers at World ATM Congress
Ineco has presented three of the main Air Navigation tools commercialised by the company at the World ATM Congress.
The speeches were made by Luis Paisán, Carolina Ajates and José Manuel Rísquez.
Luis Paisán presented “HECCO”, an innovative tool to evaluate the range of aeronautic communications, that quantifies the reach and quality of the voice communications offered by any ground-to-air communications centre.
Carolina Ajates focused in “IMPULSE”, a Pulsed Signals Systems simulation software that allows the evaluation of the impact of the obstacles in the final quality of the Pulsed Systems signals and has an adapted Gist to differ from the different airport systems like stations, routes, terminals…
Finally, José Manuel Rísquez presented “RUCCMAN”, a genetic algorithm based prototype that helps in the decision making to change track configuration if necessary.