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MITMA and Ineco show their commitment to equality between men and women in the renewal of the Horizonte Program against sexist violence

MITMA and Ineco show their commitment to equality between men and women in the renewal of the Horizonte Program against sexist violence

MITMA and Ineco show their commitment to equality between men and women in the renewal of the Horizonte Program against sexist violence

November 23, 2021

The Minister of Transport, Mobility and Urban Agenda, Raquel Sánchez, has showed her commitment to equality between men and women in the renewal of the Horizonte Program against sexist violence promoted by the engineering and public consultancy Ineco.

The Minister, who has presided over the signing of a collaboration agreement between the president of Ineco, Carmen Librero, and the representatives of the Eslabón Association and the United Women against Abuse Association, has affirmed that violence against women and girls constitutes a systemic and widespread violation of fundamental rights and is the cruelest expression of discrimination, the situation of inequality and the power relations of men over women.

Raquel Sánchez, who has reaffirmed her status as a feminist, has assured that we all should be, regardless of our ideology since an advanced and just society cannot be sustained by inequality. The world cannot discriminate against half of its population, exclude it from decision-making and exercise all kinds of intimidation and violence against it.

In this sense, he has affirmed that in order to live in equality, it is necessary to educate in equality. Only in this way will we be able to eradicate that machismo that humiliates and, in its wildest manifestation, mistreats and kills dozens of women every year.

For her part, the president of Ineco, has highlighted that: “these actions raise the important role that engineering and architecture play as levers of social transformation. A transformation that requires the global involvement of society as a whole, and in Ineco we have assumed as part of our day-to-day life. It has not been easy to open the door to equality, but the collective commitment and, largely, the actions promoted, have managed to break down the barriers that kept them closed ”.

In addition, she has highlighted the numerous initiatives that are carried out in the engineering and consultancy of the MITMA Group, framed in its " Plan de Igualdad" ( Equality Plan), launched in 2019, such as the development of a Guide on Rights against Gender Violence or the Protocol against Sexual Harassment, by Reason of Sex, Gender or Sexual Orientation or the reduction of the wage gap, which during 2020 and so far in 2021 has been reduced by almost 2 percentage points. In addition, Carmen Librero has highlighted the first call for the “Hypatia” Equality Award, focused on the proposal, by Ineco teams, of innovative initiatives that promote entrepreneurship by women in rural areas, whose winning projects will feature with company financing for its achievement.

Horizonte Program

The Horizonte Program includes different actions focused on facilitating the labor integration of women victims of sexist violence: Access to Ineco's selection processes, professional accompaniment to enhance skills and training workshops to complete their areas of knowledge, among others.

A program framed within Ineco's commitment to the 2030 Agenda and the 17 SDGs and with the company's commitment to making gender equality a reality. It is a living program that will continue to add future collaborations to achieve real equality between women and men.

MITMA committed to equality

Raquel Sánchez has affirmed that her Ministry has launched an Equality Agenda with concrete actions that give a feminist perspective to investments in transport, infrastructure and housing. This same policy, coordinated by a table for Equality, Diversity and Cooperation, governs public companies dependent on the Ministry and their railway (AESF) and air (AESA) security agencies.

In this sense, she has ensured that agreements such as the one signed today seek to prevent and provide a comprehensive response to all manifestations of sexist violence. Thus, she has highlighted that this kind of action gives meaning to politics, as how she sees it.

The Minister, in allusion to the Horizonte Program, recalled that, in this first year since the birth of this program, Ineco has accompanied 16 women victims of sexist violence on their path to access the labour market, through a training and training itinerary of tutorials by Ineco volunteers, having already joined the company's team of professionals.