The Port of Gijón is one of the main maritime ports of the Atlantic Arc
Ineco will be in charge of defining, designing and evaluating the CMS (Control, Command and Signalling) solution for the railway access branch to the Romualdo Alvargonzález Quay (former North Quay) of the Port of Gijón. In addition, it will also provide advisory services both in the contracting phase and in the execution phase of the works, including specialised technical assistance to comply with the considerations of the State Agency for Railway Safety and all sectoral regulations in order to guarantee railway interoperability.
The work, which will take the railway to the middle of the quay, with a new Iberian gauge track of 2.2 kilometres (the last 639 m on double track) will update the Port's remote control and signalling installations and improve the coordination of the port control system with that of Adif.
The Port of Gijón is one of the main maritime ports of the Atlantic Arc and the leading port in the movement of solid bulk in Spain..