Ineco has been present in Galicia for more than 25 years
The president of Ineco, Sergio Vázquez Torrón, has visited the company's team which, from Monforte de Lemos, in Galicia, plays a key role in the development of railway projects in the region.
The 70 or so people in the Monforte team are completing, among others, the Oural tunnel project, where excavation has been completed and the lining is being finalised. Also, the extension of the Puebla bypass and the installation of catenary for electrification to 25 kV, a fundamental milestone for guaranteeing the continuity of electrical voltage for trains connecting Madrid and Lugo,scheduled for completion in 2025. This team also marked a milestone last year with the reopening of the Monforte-Ourense route to traffic after almost two years of intense work.
Ineco has been present in Galicia for more than 25 years, where there are currently around 200 professionals promoting improvements to the existing railway network at strategic points such as the connection with Portugal or the Atlantic Freight Corridor, among others.It is also responsible for the construction management of strategic projects for cities, such as the intermodal stations in A Coruña, Lugo, Santiago and Ourense, or the railway access and the internal network in the outer port of A Coruña, in Punta Langosteira. Our company, in its commitment to combating the climate emergency, has also developed a guide for the Xunta de Galicia that will serve to create a structural framework outlining the essential requirements for the presentation, verification, and content of the climate proofing for its new infrastructures funded by the European Union until 2027.