Process robotisation will free up 20,000 working hours per year.
Ineco's Innovation Committee has chosen 20 proposals out of nearly 100 submitted within its Call for Innovation on Corporate Processes, a new line of entrepreneurship that the company has pioneered among its teams. Thanks to their development, the MITMA Group's engineering and consulting firm will not only reduce the time of these processes, which mean more than 19,500 hours per year, but will also contribute to the efficiency of the work of the more than 200 people involved in them. Management of supplier invoices, settlement of expenses, monitoring of contracts, management of selection and promotion processes, or the use of artificial intelligence through the "Chatbot Ulpi" robot to manage queries on public procurement, are some of the proposals that Ineco has selected to advance in their automation and thus improve their efficiency. You can find out more about the selected projects by clicking here.
Last year, Ineco launched a new innovation model based on boosting the creativity and internal talent of its 5,000 professionals and increasing the budget allocated to finance the development of projects resulting from the four annual innovation calls by 50%. A paradigm shift in which 30,000 hours of innovation are planned for 2023 and in which teams from all areas of the company play a fundamental role as they are the ones who detect needs and opportunities and propose innovative ideas. In the coming months, the two remaining calls for proposals will be launched: business model and social innovation.
The Innovation Committee has selected these twenty proposals based on their alignment with the company's digitalisation strategy. For this purpose, various process indicators have been taken into account, such as hours dedicated to each task, number of repetitions, intensity and frequency. Made up of senior management and representatives from all organisational areas, the Committee also includes two external experts from the innovation ecosystem, Ana Alcaine, a prestigious professor at business schools, and Miguel Urrecha, an expert in the generation of new business models.