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Promoting female talent

Promoting female talent

Promoting female talent

September 23, 2022

Ineco's network of Mujeres IN, mINerva, represented by its vice-president, Carolina Ajates, participated in the annual Red de redes event, organised by the Ellas Vuelan Alto association, under the title “Red de redes: promoviendo el talento femenino” (Network of Networks: Promoting Female Talent).

The round table was made up of representatives of the most important women's networks in the sector, whether for their innovation, power or creativity, being mINerva one of the four networks selected, together with SENtir de SENASA, WIA (Women in Aerespace Spain) and Womenalia.

Carolina Ajates explained the origins of our women's network, its mission, vision, values and objectives, as well as the activities they are carrying out. She also highlighted the support received by the company, thanking it for its firm commitment to equal opportunities and the visibility of female talent inside and outside our company.