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Promoting the first three remote production centres in Spain

Promoting the first three remote production centres in Spain

Promoting the first three remote production centres in Spain

May 29, 2023

In response to the results obtained in the last geographical mobility survey, in which more than 800 professionals expressed an interest in carrying out their activity elsewhere, and after analysing, among other factors, the preferred locations, the professional profiles by geographical areas and the capacity for future growth, Ineco has launched the first three remote production centres in Santander, Lugo and Cáceres.

The high technological capacity at our disposal, as well as the company's commitment to the formula of working 2 days and 3 days in alternate weeks, will enable the 33 selected professionals (16 from Santander, 11 from Lugo, and 6 from Cáceres) to carry out their work from any of the three selected enclaves, regardless of where the projects for which they carry out their activity are located.

The team is expected to start working from the new interlocks within the third quarter of this year. They will thus join the 275 Ineco professionals already working in Cantabria, Galicia, and Extremadura.

The pilot project aims not only to promote the decentralisation of the company's activity, but also to strengthen partnerships with universities and vocational training centres, as well as with companies in the region.

These three national centres are in addition to the one already set up in Mexico, which was recently visited by President Sergio Vázquez Torrón. Initiatives with which the company is tackling its new strategic roadmap "A Fresh Impulse" to complement and increase current production capacity and give prominence to Ineco's territorial talent.