Ineco is part of the Spanish pavilion organised by the public economic entity Red.es at the Mobile World Congress.
Ineco has presented, together with the General Directorate of Roads of the Ministry of Transport and Sustainable Mobility, the results of InecoSAR, the innovation solution jointly designed to monitor infrastructure thanks to satellite technology and Artificial Intelligence.
Under the title "Roads connected to space", the general director of Roads, Juan Pedro Fernández Palomino, the president of Ineco, Sergio Vázquez Torrón and Ineco's expert in CNS-ATM Systems, Eva Ramírez, presented the results of this pilot project that stems from the company's innovation model based on co-creation with its clients.
Starting from the framework of the possibilities of technology and connectivity in the mobility sector, the president of Ineco wanted to highlight in his speech the company's innovation model based on co-creation.The link with clients from the early stages of the generation of innovation projects makes it possible to adapt as closely as possible to their needs, thus achieving useful solutions to real problems. "Something is changing in the mobility sector and the public environment. It is a paradigm shift that we are embracing. At Ineco we are focused on finding solutions, not on looking for needs. We have to face the great global challenges," said Sergio Vázquez Torrón.
This is evident in the InecoSAR solution, created in conjunction with the Directorate General for Roads, which aims to monitor infrastructure using radar data from Copernicus, the Earth observation component of the European Union’s Space programme. This tool makes it possible to detect and analyse deformations or movements of both structures and the surrounding ground. Considering the impact that climate emergency has on infrastructure, with increasingly extreme weather events, the usefulness of this analysis is essential to mitigate the potential consequences. "By processing the data with Artificial Intelligence techniques, InecoSAR allows a preliminary estimate of the expected deformation to be predicted. This solution is very useful both for facilitating infrastructure maintenance and for introducing improvements in the design and construction phases, thus optimising processes and costs," said Eva Ramírez.
During the development of InecoSAR, and in order to evaluate its operation and potential, experimentation has focused on two large structures located on Spanish roads: the Trabadelo embankment, on the A-6 motorway between León and Lugo, with a height of around 170 metres, and a breakwater or protective wall around 200 metres long, on the N-420 road in Fuencaliente, Ciudad Real. Cases in which it has proved to be a solution with great potential for studying the stability of specific areas during the design, construction and maintenance phases of infrastructures, as it allows us to learn about the peculiarities of the terrain that were previously only known theoretically. This is a clear example of how space plays a fundamental role in complementing traditional processes and procedures, and how we can benefit from the use of spatial data that Europe makes freely available to all citizens.
The general director of Roads, Juan Pedro Fernández, stressed that "with a mature road network we face the challenges of optimising the existing infrastructure both in its use and its conservation. It is technology that will allow us to achieve a sustainable public road management policy. Furthermore, he pointed out that "Ineco is currently playing an important role as an stimulus, pushing us, thanks to its innovative nature, towards models that, like InecoSAR, will allow us to manage asset management in a much more agile way".
Ineco is part of the Spain pavilion organised by the public business entity Red.es at the Mobile World Congress. 45 companies (seven more than in 2023 ) are exhibiting their innovations in this pavilion to give visibility to Spanish technology organisations at this key event dedicated to the digital sector and connectivity.