Sergio Vázquez Torrón, encouraged high school students in the "El País con tu Futuro" season to dedicate themselves to professions linked to mobility and which allow them to face the great challenge of climate change.
"Don't do what you love, do what you can make an impact on society and improve the lives of others. With this phrase, the president of Ineco, Sergio Vázquez Torrón, encouraged high school students in the "El País con tu Futuro" season to dedicate themselves to professions linked to mobility and which allow them to face the great challenge of climate change. It is not for nothing that this sector is one of the main contributors to greenhouse gas emissions.
In his speech, the president of Ineco underlined the commitment of the new generations in the fight against climate change and stressed that the responsibility lies with them "because we have no more time and the next generations will not have this opportunity. Climate change is the problem of your century: it is the great threat to the survival of the planet.
The future is in your hands
The president of Ineco was one of the speakers at the twelfth edition of this conference. Organised by El País, it seeks to awaken purposeful vocations in students and help them discover the professions of the future, as well as guide them in their professional careers.
Our company has been one of the sponsoring organisations along with Aena, Airbus, Cepsa or the Ministry of Industry, Trade and Tourism, among others. Ineco also had a stand where students were able to get to know more about the company and its career plans.
You can watch the presentation here.