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Spain presented with a European Commission Single European Sky Award

Spain presented with a European Commission Single European Sky Award

Spain presented with a European Commission Single European Sky Award

March 10, 2016

The European Commission has awarded the project to improve the efficiency of the Spanish air traffic network, in which Ineco, Enaire, Aena, the Spanish Directorate General of Civil Aviation, the Spanish Aviation Safety and Security Agency, Ferronats and Saerco all participated. The project is one of five which received prizes in the first Single European Sky Awards at the World ATM Congress in Madrid.

The aim of these awards is to highlight the projects which have made the greatest contribution towards achieving the Single European Sky in terms of performance, improving efficiency and innovative solutions.

The winners were selected from 22 candidates from the whole spectrum of actors in aviation, a total of 65 public and private organisations from 27 countries. The other four projects which were presented with one of this first round of awards, chosen by a panel composed of experts from within and outside the European Commission, were: the COOPANS Alliance; time based separation at Heathrow; the implementation of free routing across Northern Europe by 2021; remote tower services; and the improvement of the Spanish air traffic management network performance and efficiency through an ordered change management service.

These awards aim to acknowledge the efforts made by many organisations to achieve the shared European objective of implementing the Single Sky, one of the priorities in the aviation strategy for Europe.