The sub-delegate of the Government in Lugo, Isabel Rodríguez; the mayoress of Trabada, Mayra García; the president of Ineco, Sergio Vázquez; and the mayor of Parada de Sil, Aquilino Domínguez.
The Government of Spain is promoting digitalisation in seven town councils with demographic challenges in Galicia through the Rural TIC programme promoted by the public company Ineco, which reports to the Ministry of Transport, Mobility and the Urban Agenda. The president of Ineco, Sergio Vázquez Torrón, the subdelegate of the Government in Lugo, Isabel Rodríguez, and the mayoress of Trabada, Mayra García attended this morning one of the digitalisation workshops carried out by volunteer workers of this consultancy and public engineering company in the municipalities participant in this initiative. The meeting was also attended by the mayor of Parada de Sil (Ourense), Aquilino Domínguez, town participant of this programme.
The sub-delegate of the Government pointed out that this programme is yet another example of the commitment of the Government of Pedro Sánchez to territorial cohesion and the digitalisation of the rural world. It joins other initiatives already underway that aim to ensure equal opportunities and services in small municipalities.
Isabel Rodríguez explained that this commitment includes the provision of internet access technologies, through the UNICO-Banda Ancha programme of fibre optic extension, and the more recent UNICO-Demanda Rural, for satellite access in remote areas.
This technological drive is combined with efforts to train the population of these areas in the use of digital tools, as Ineco is doing with Rural TIC. In this area, the sub-delegate also highlighted the "La Administración Cerca de ti" (Administration Close to You) programme. Through this programme, staff from the Government Subdelegation travel around the municipalities of Lugo training citizens in the digital services of the State Administration.
During the meeting, the president of Ineco stressed that, thanks to this Rural TIC, "Galicia has the opportunity to experience an innovative initiative that also aims to connect people and places, through a corporate programme that reflects our relevant positioning in digital transformation and also our commitment to the decentralised territorial location of our teams". He emphasised that this new facet joins Ineco's extensive experience in the development of railway, port and road infrastructure promoted by the Ministry of Transport in the region.
Experience in Trabada
The mayoress of Trabada thanked Ineco's digital nomads, Eduardo Correa, and Esther Ros, for the dedication and professionalism they demonstrated in the workshops that were given during their stay in the municipality. In these workshops, more than 15 residents have had the opportunity to learn about the possibilities that the digital world offers to rural areas, such as the use of apps from different administrations, the use of digital banking or the use of instant messaging and email among the older people. In parallel, they have given workshops on cybersecurity and digital footprinting to underages. These activities have been held in the Casa de la Cultura de Trabada.
Digitalisation also has an economic part, aimed at training in new technologies for companies in these municipalities. In Trabada, Ineco's volunteer staff has supported the project for the distribution of para-pharmacy products in this town, which has enabled its entrepreneurs to have brand image, tools, and knowledge necessary to start it up.
The other municipalities already involved in the programme Cerdido (A Coruña), Porto do Son (A Coruña), A Pobra de Trives (Ourense) and Parada de Sil (Ourense), together with the two that will join in the next few weeks, Carballeda de Avia (Ourense) and A Gudiña (Ourense) make Galicia one of the three Autonomous Communities with the most municipalities participant in the programme, together with Andalusia and Castile and Leon. A total of 13 Ineco digital nomads combine their working day through remote working, while supporting the inhabitants of these small municipalities in the use and opportunities provided by new technologies.
An innovative programme with double benefits
Through this programme, Ineco is deploying more than 100 digital nomads to 55 municipalities in 15 Spanish provinces to temporarily settle in the territory and dedicate part of their working day to the social and economic digitalisation of the municipality in which they are located.
To date, more than 24 municipalities have had the presence, for two weeks, of Ineco employees participating in this programme, in which professional profiles such as engineers, ICT specialists or computer scientists develop training workshops aimed at the population and the companies of the area. In addition, the programme implements various initiatives to increase the visibility of these municipalities and their cultural and tourist wealth.
Ineco Rural TIC is also an opportunity to revitalise the rural environment as it offers digital nomads the experience of discovering the vast cultural and natural heritage that small municipalities have to offer. The first 44 Ineco digital nomads who have been travelling around different municipalities in Galicia, Asturias, Andalusia, and Castilla y León since November have been able to see for themselves.
Experiencia en Trabada
Por su parte, la alcaldesa de Trabada agradeció a los nómadas digitales de Ineco, Eduardo Correa y Esther Ros, la dedicación y profesionalidad que demostraron en los talleres que se han impartido durante su estancia en el municipio. En estos talleres, más de 15 vecinas y vecinos han tenido la oportunidad de aprender sobre las posibilidades que el mundo digital ofrece al medio rural, como el uso de apps de distintas administraciones, el manejo de la banca digital o el uso de mensajería Instantánea y correo electrónico entre las personas de mayor edad. En paralelo, han impartido talleres de ciberseguridad y huella digital, a menores. Estas actividades se han impartido en la Casa de la Cultura de Trabada.
La digitalización también tiene una parte económica, dirigida a la formación en nuevas tecnologías a empresas de estos ayuntamientos. En el caso de Trabada, el personal voluntario del Ineco ha apoyado al proyecto de distribución de productos de parafarmacia en esta localidad, que ha permitido a sus emprendedores disponer de la imagen de marca, de las herramientas y del conocimiento necesario para ponerlo en marcha.
Los otros concellos ya involucrados en el programa – Cerdido (A Coruña), Porto do Son (A Coruña), A Pobra de Trives (Ourense) y Parada de Sil (Ourense) -, junto a los dos que se incorporarán en las próximas semanas - Carballeda de Avia (Ourense) y A Gudiña (Ourense) –, posicionan a Galicia como una de las tres Comunidades Autónomas con más municipios inscritos en esta iniciativa, junto a Andalucía y Castilla y León. Un total de 13 nómadas digitales de Ineco compaginan su jornada laboral a través de la formado de teletrabajo a la vez que dan apoyo a los habitantes de estos pequeños municipios en el uso y oportunidades que aportan las nuevas tecnologías.
Un programa innovador con doble beneficio
Ineco despliega con este programa más de 100 nómadas digitales a 55 municipios de 15 provincias españolas para, a través de la fórmula del teletrabajo, asentarse temporalmente en el territorio y dedicar parte de su jornada laboral a la digitalización social y económica del municipio en el que se encuentren.
Hasta la fecha, más de 24 municipios han contado con la presencia, durante dos semanas, de los empleados de Ineco participantes en este programa, en el que perfiles profesionales como ingenieros, especialistas en TIC o informáticos desarrollan talleres formativos dirigidos a la población y al tejido empresarial de la zona; además de poner en marcha diversas iniciativas para aumentar la visibilidad de estos municipios y su riqueza cultural y turística.
Ineco RuralTIC también es una oportunidad para dinamizar el medio rural ya que ofrece a los nómadas digitales la experiencia de conocer y descubrir el inmenso patrimonio cultural y natural que atesoran los pequeños municipios. Así, han podido comprobarlo los primeros 44 nómadas digitales de Ineco que desde noviembre han recorrido con este programa diferentes municipios de Galicia, Asturias, Andalucía y Castilla y León.