Successful completion of the PDA Innovation project
Ineco has finalized its internal innovation project PDA (Postprocessing Delay Analyzer), a Big-Data platform enabled to store and process historical air traffic data obtained from Eurocontrol B2B services. PDA’s user interface is a Web page offering a wide range of use cases that provide the user with different assessments related with e.g. departure times, environment and ATC sector efficiency.
For more than 2 years, Eurocontrol has been providing access to one of the largest and most digitalized data sources of European air traffic management domain: B2B Data Services. On the other hand, for over 25 years, Ineco has been working together with Enaire in the continuous improvement of the air navigation service provision in Spain. In this line, Enaire trusts Ineco with the intelligent storage (BIG-DATA) of this enormous amount of air navigation-related files.