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T-Ais, the new smart totem designed by Ineco to improve the autonomy of travelers with disabilities

T-Ais, the new smart totem designed by Ineco to improve the autonomy of travelers with disabilities

T-Ais, the new smart totem designed by Ineco to improve the autonomy of travelers with disabilities

December 1, 2022

Ineco presents in Malaga "T-Ais" a new innovative solution in the framework of the Rail Live fair. It is a real-time information system shaped like totems that will make easy universal accessibility at stations.

The engineering and consulting firm of the Ministry of Transport, Mobility and Urban Agenda has reinforced its commitment to inclusive mobility at this event, where the company's president, Sergio Vázquez Torrón, highlighted the value of the railway not only as a mode of transport but also as an element at the service of society in all its dimensions.

"The railway is the ultimate expression of a collective and modernity project: while it revolutionised the 19th century it is also called to revolutionise the 21st century. Ineco is making an innovative effort to develop technologies that allow more and more people to travel by train in comfort," said the president during his speech at the congress. "The great challenge of the railway sector is that more and more public, more diverse, get on the railway and make it their means of reference," he finally emphasised.

More autonomous travel for a universal railway

By means of an ergonomic, adaptable and remotely locatable design, travelers will find all the information adapted to people with disabilities concentrated in a single point. A milestone that will be achieved thanks to the unification of information through a tactile system, with acoustic and visual signals in order to achieve real accessibility.

T-Ais integrates technologies such as real-time video assistance, intelligent indoor guidance, contactless Braille, dynamic digital signage and sign language communication. In short, a system that seeks to eliminate barriers with technological solutions that guarantee compliance with regulations and increase the level of autonomy of travelers.

The team that has created this new innovative product of the company are Antonio Sancho, Alberto Comas, Aixa Marquéz and Pablo Galán. In addition, the first two have been in charge of presenting the device during the reference fair in railway technology that is being held from November 29th to December 1st in Málaga. To learn more about the new information totem, click on this video.