Our company has made available to visitors "T-Ais", the new innovative solution developed by Ineco which, by means of a real-time information system, facilitates universal accessibility for travellers.
Ineco has joined the seventh edition of the Day of the Professions, which was held in Madrid's Plaza de Colón. An annual open-door event of the Professional Colleges aimed at pre-university students (4th year of ESO and Baccalaureate) and those already at university, with the aim of allowing them to discover, get to know and connect with the professions.
Our company has made available to visitors "T-Ais", the new innovative solution developed by Ineco which, by means of a real-time information system, facilitates universal accessibility for travellers. Its ergonomic, adaptable and remotely locatable design allows travellers to find all the information at a single point using a tactile system, with acoustic and visual signals to achieve real accessibility.
This seventh edition has also tried to reach out to the general public in order to make them aware of the social function and the services of interest that professional associations provide to society.