Train modernisation tests progress in Medellín
The Ineco team is participating in tests on the first two Man train units of the rolling stock modernisation project in Medellín, Colombia. In this phase, the experts are checking that the design is in accordance with the technical requirements established for the different systems that make up the train: traction and electric braking, electro-pneumatic system, pneumatic braking and anti-locking, both in the workshops and in the Medellín Metro network.
The modernisation includes changing the traction chain, migrating to the latest DC/AC technology, replacing the current auxiliary power supply system and the air production system with new equipment with greater energy efficiency and a higher level of redundancy, as well as adapting the design of the units to a more modern and up-to-date image (interior and exterior) and other improvements that will give these trains an additional 20 years of useful life.
Since 2011, Ineco has been collaborating with Metro de Medellín, among other works, in the renewal of its fleet, supervising the design, manufacture, reception and commissioning of the new CAF trains. Solutions that the company has developed on material from numerous manufacturers (Talgo, CAF, Siemens, Bombardier, Alstom...) in various parts of the world such as Spain, Kenya, Ecuador, Chile and Brazil, among others.