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Transport for New South Wales takes an interest in our experience in ERTMS

Transport for New South Wales takes an interest in our experience in ERTMS

Transport for New South Wales takes an interest in our experience in ERTMS

October 31, 2019

A delegation from Transport for New South Wales (the state transport authority of the state of New South Wales in Australia) visited Spain as part of a mission to seek comparative experiences in the deployment of ERTMS Level 2 in Europe. Since January, Ineco, in the role of System Integrator, has been collaborating, together with Network Rail Consulting (UK), Go Ahead (UK) and Acmena (AUS), on the design and implementation of a signalling system based on ERTMS Level 2 in the suburban network of the city of Sydney.

The visit to Spain took place over two days: a first day during which they met the Ineco team that is participating in the project and shared lessons learned on the verification and validation stages for the trackside and on-board equipment, on the Spanish configuration model of traffic control and management centres and on possible areas for improvement of its existing telecommunications system; and a second day when they had the chance to meet with signalling specialists from Adif and Renfe, visit the Atocha Control Centre, the Renfe train driver training school and the CEDEX Railway Interoperability Laboratory.

Last January, TfNSW visited our offices coinciding with the start of the work. This project was Ineco's first contract in Australia, a country where large investments are being made in infrastructure and where Spanish companies are leaders in the sector.