At the beginning of 2022, Ineco launched the STARTIC scholarship programme, an initiative aimed at attracting, attracting, developing and retaining junior profiles in the field of Information Technologies. An opportunity to find talent in both university and vocational training centres and to join a company of more than 6,000 people that has a specific team of 1,000 professionals who develop some of the most cutting-edge ICT projects in the country for more than 35 clients. After two editions and 29 participants in the programme, more than 50% have already joined the staff after their internships.
In the third edition currently underway, 17 students from five vocational training centres, six universities and two specialised IT study centres are participating in the digital transformation projects that Ineco is developing for the Ministry of Justice or the General Secretariat for Digital Administration (SGAD), as well as in other projects in the field of mobility. It should be noted that in this edition the participation of female talent has increased, representing more than 50% of the scholarships. Also, the speciality of Cataloguing and Digitisation of IT documentation has been introduced, complementing the more than ten existing IT training courses, scholarship holders have been incorporated both in Madrid and in other offices located in Spain and the number of agreements with universities, professional training centres and other specialised centres has increased significantly compared to the previous year.
Professionals who join the Ineco team in charge of advancing the digital transformation processes. Since Ineco began collaborating with the Ministry of Justice seven years ago, the company has exponentially increased its turnover in this field and has consolidated its position as the company's own means of reference for the modernisation of the Administration.
If you are interested in participating in this programme, contact us here.
The future lies with Ineco
September 23, 2024