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Mission: protect birdlife

February 27, 2023

According to the latest studies carried out by various organisations, between 11,000 and 33,000 birds of prey die each year in Spain, with electrocution on power lines being the leading cause of death in Spain. To avoid this problem and try to reduce the number of deaths of birds of prey, Ineco is collaborating with the Ministry of Ecological transtition and demmographic challenge and in the adaptation of high-voltage lines owned by the General State Administration.

A team of five people, led by José Ángel Rodríguez Esquinas, industrial and electrotechnic engineer, is in charge of carrying out the necessary actions to adapt the existing high-voltage power lines to RD 1432/2008, which establishes measures for the protection of bird-life against collision and electrocution on high-voltage power lines.

The work of this team of professionals is mainly focused on the drafting of studies and maintenance service specifications for the correction of the different lines and subsequently the management of the execution of the work foreseen in these specifications, which includes the "stakeout" (a visit prior to the installation) and the settlement of the work, i.e., a visit to check that the work has been carried out correctly.

As part of this assignment, Ineco has worked on the adaptation of these high-voltage lines of the Autonomous Organisation for Natural Parks (OAPN) in the provinces of Logroño, Cáceres and Jaén. Ineco has also worked on the high-voltage lines of the various Hydrographic Confederations (Ebro, Tagus, Duero, Guadiana, Guadalquivir, Júcar, Segura, Miño-Sil and Mancomunidad del Taibilla). This has meant defining actions on some 2,100 "supports" in 32 provinces of the national territory.