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The voice of the expert... Francisco Fernández de Líger

October 18, 2023

Did you know that in the not too distant future there will be drones delivering packages to your home or you will be able to take an air taxi? The air mobility of the future will be accompanied by new concepts and realities that require a huge innovation effort from the entire European industry in order to come to fruition. To meet the challenges that these new concepts present and to be able to offer a reliable, safe and sustainable service, the SESAR programme is in place.

SESAR is the technological innovation programme that will make it possible to operate a Single European Sky. It is driven by the European Commission with the aim of modernising and harmonising air traffic control systems and operations for all types of aircraft.

SESAR was born in 2009 and is now in its third edition, SESAR 3, which will run from 2023 to 2030. Ineco has participated in SESAR since its origins as a company affiliated to its shareholder ENAIRE, a founding member of SESAR. In recent months, Ineco has participated in the launch of the SESAR 3 projects in which it is involved. The latest to be launched in the last week of September were ECHO 2 and SPATIO.

SESAR's objectives include the optimisation of operations to achieve a reduction in delays or a reduction in environmental impact while maintaining the current high level of operational safety. To this end, it relies on digitalisation as a fundamental tool for the optimisation of systems and procedures.

At Ineco we have contributed our knowledge in air traffic control systems and operations, operational safety, human factors or drones and urban air mobility.