Colombia’s interest in the renovation of its airports is increasingly important. Ineco has collaborated in the enlargement and remodelling of three of the four most important airports in the country. These are El Dorado International Airport, in Bogota, Alfonso Bonilla Aragón International Airport, in Cali, and Rafael Núñez International Airport, in Cartagena de Indias.
Technical information
General aviation on the rise
In addition to the aforementioned interventions which are of vital importance in terms of aircraft safety, the increase in general aviation traffic was kept in mind. Private and military flights represent more than 90% of traffic at this airport, while the remaining percentage is represented by executive flights, school flights, etc. Although general aviation represents less than 1% of the total passengers who use this airport, it corresponds to 30% of airport operations and is expected to grow an average of 3.9% by 2020, totalling some 26,000 passengers and 14,000 operations.