Ineco has been chosen to supervise the rehabilitation works of the southern runway and the design of the new control tower.
The Colombian government has decided to extend its Eldorado airport in response to the growing demand for air transport, and the economic expansion that the country is currently undergoing.The airport is the most important in Latin America in terms of freight, with a volume of 648,000 tonnes and the third biggest in terms of passengers with 20.4 million. This capacity will double when the new facilities are commissioned.Ineco has been chosen to supervise the refurbishment works on the international airport’s south runway and to design the new control tower as part of an ambitious modernisation plan.
Technical information
Ineco has developed an external metal mesh for the structure which provides resistance and simplifies construction, and is a vital component given the seismic activity in the area.
However, Ineco has not only defined the tower design but it has also been involved in analysing the operation, the system specifications and the air navigation equipment required, increasing the movement capacity of aircraft in an environment with operational difficulties. Eldorado is 2,545 metres above sea level and has a considerable volume air traffic requiring the most advanced navigation systems.
Ineco has consolidated its international presence with this project, particularly in Latin America.