The importance of air transport to an island nation is a decisive factor in the gateway character. Sangster International Airport is the access point for three out of four visitors who come to and leave Jamaica, a figure which represents 80% of the total tourists in the country.
MBJ Airports Limited, the private consortium that manages the airport with a 30 year concession, commissioned Ineco in 2009 with the implementation of a Master Plan, which has again been commissioned and updated during 2016 in accordance with the recommendations of the ICAO, to forecast the growth in demand and ensure that the airport’s capacity is in line with it in the short, medium, and long term, with a time horizon of 2035. The Plan takes into account the environmental factors, such as the fact that the airport is located beside the sea, within the Montego Bay Marine Park, the proximity of residential areas, and the new recent regulatory developments in reference to operational safety and the airport’s certification.
Furthermore, Ineco drafted four projects (refurbishment of the runway and a new perimeter pathway; a new firefighting service building; enlargement of the runway; refurbishment of the taxiways and some areas of the apron). In relation to these projects, Ineco was also commissioned with the support services for the tendering and awarding of the refurbishment of the runway, the perimeter pathway and the new firefighting service building, as well as the technical assistance for the supervision of this work. Currently, it is updating the Master Plan and the Project Management for the refurbishment of the taxiways and the apron.
Technical information
A key airport for tourism
Tourism is a very important factor for Jamaica, since it contributes 27% to the GDP and it generates 276,000 jobs, 24% of the total. Sangster International Airport (SIA in its IATA code), located in Montego Bay, the country’s second city and its most touristic area, is one of the great drivers of this industry. It is necessary to add the indirect contribution in many sectors of the local economy to the direct impact of the airport activity: hotel industry, trade, transport and others.