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Smart Station

Studies for the stations of the future

The goal of the project was to carry out a study on the systems and technologies available on the market today to create Smart Stations.

-              Study of the Smart Station concept and the importance of connecting the station to the city.

-              Criteria of energy efficiency and connectivity with passengers (concept of passenger experience)

-              Updated and extensive vision of the application of new technologies in the smart station. Real practical example of the application of this technology.

A Smart Station prototype was created based on a real station, defining and describing the systems and technologies to be implemented in it. The station chosen for the study was the commuter rail hall under tracks of the Chamartin station. A prototype of technological transformation of the hall was defined, implementing various technologies, researched in detail to determine the technical requirements, companies that market the technologies, performance, economic cost, etc.

Technical information

Execution period:

New technologies

The innovation project involved a study for the development of smart station projects, investigating the systems and technologies available on the market today. The Smart Station concept and the importance of the station's connection to the city were analysed, taking into account criteria of energy efficiency and connectivity with passengers.

Development of a Smart Station prototype based on a real station, defining and describing the systems to be implemented in it.

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Metropolitan development



Air Navigation

Climate emergency

Digitisation and AI

Architecture and urban planning

