The new regulation approved in 2009 by the European Commission on the effort of member states to reduce their greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in order to fulfil the commitments acquired by the Community until 2020, imposed on Spain an objective to reduce these emissions by 10% with respect to 2005 levels. As such, the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and the Environment defined a roadmap that includes the measures to be adopted to reach this figure, including, amongst others, the withdrawal of the oldest vehicles responsible for higher levels of CO2 emissions.
The PIMA Transport Plan is aimed at improving the environmental behaviour of the existing vehicle fleet, through the awarding of grants for the scrapping of buses and goods vehicles with traction capability of over 3.5 tonnes of maximum authorised mass, registered before 1 January 2007. The Spanish Office of Climate Change entrusted Ineco with aid for the comprehensive management of the programme, whose objective is to reduce emissions and energy consumption, as well as having additional positive effects in the field of road safety.
The professional transportation of goods by road (lorries and buses) represents a specific area of action in this sector, with a very significant contribution to the issue, more so when a high percentage of the existing fleet is old, due to its high emission levels, much higher than those produced by more current vehicles.
Technical information
Notable participation of Ineco in the execution of the project
Ineco is in charge of ensuring the integrity of the process, as well as compliance with all of the technical, administrative and legal competition criteria; the design of management indicators adequate for carrying out a follow-up; the preparation of administrative documents; and the financial control of the assignment of subsidies. The development of the programme was safeguarded through the work of a management tool designed ad hoc, which ensures compliance with all of the relevant parameters required in the conditions. The main features include knowledge of the state of each request and the traceability of all information supplied or generated in its management, control of the amounts of funds available for activating the aid reserves, management of alarms identified, generation of pre-established formats and follow-up reports and the plan’s progress.