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Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans in Spain

Ineco participates in the development of a sustainable mobility strategy in several Spanish cities

A sustainable urban mobility plan (SUMP) includes a set of actions whose objective is the implementation of more sustainable forms of travel in the municipal environment. The expansion of metropolitan areas, as well as inefficient alternatives to private vehicles and the town planning of the last decades of the 20th century contributed to increasing car travel. A SUMP tries to respond to mobility problems and improve the quality of life of its citizens.

A SUMP is frequently developed in four differentiated phases: the assessment of the current situation, the determination of objectives to be attained, the design of measures aimed at fulfilling previously defined objectives and the establishing of indicators for following up the measures.

Ineco has contributed to the development of the sustainable mobility strategy in three urban environments located in the provinces of A Coruña, La Rioja and Barcelona. Although the approach in each plan contains common elements, in each municipality a great effort has been made to adapt its idiosyncrasy to a catalogue of effective and practical solutions.

For example, in the city of A Coruña, the OTOM (Technological and Operative Mobility Office) was established, which is in charge of providing support to the development of the Plan, as well as establishing the technological tools for its subsequent implementation and follow-up. This office provided a high added value to the project, since it allows a follow-up of the execution of the Plan to be carried out in real time, adopting the necessary corrective measures.

In the case of the Logroño City Council, special emphasis was put on citizen participation with the aim of the different social sectors gathering opinions and criteria for reflection and for the development of proposals that make up the plan. The channels for participation were the creation of a website, the interviewing of social and technical agents, the organisation of specific workshops structured by topic, such as pedestrian and cyclist mobility, traffic, parking, etc.

In L’ Hospitalet de Llobregat it was necessary to participate in the environmental evaluation of the plan, preparing the documents corresponding to the Preliminary Environmental Sustainability Report (ISAP), the Environmental Sustainability Report (ISA) and the Environmental Report with the aim of integrating environmental considerations in the preparation, approval and follow-up of the plan.


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City Councils
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Air Navigation

Climate emergency

Digitisation and AI

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