The joint work with Ineco allows the Agency to position itself as a public institution that is a benchmark for safety and sustainability in the aviation sector, both nationally and internationally.
Ineco collaborates with the Spanish Aviation Safety Agency (AESA) in its process of transformation and organisational improvement, helping to draw up a roadmap that reinforces the Agency's role as a Public Service, responding to the current needs of the aeronautical sector in Spain. This process started with a detailed diagnosis of the Agency's current situation, analysing both the internal processes, involving the organisation at all levels, and the expectations and perspective of the sector and key industry players on AESA's services. As a result, 47 improvement actions were defined, grouped into nine objectives and two strategic lines, laying the foundations for the Agency's Transformation Plan, as set out in its new Strategic Plan 2024-2027, presented in February 2024.
Throughout this consultancy work, Ineco has accompanied AESA in the implementation of improvements, supporting the coordination of internal working groups and offering assistance in strategic areas such as process re-engineering, a new approach to the services provided and internal and external communication actions. This collaboration has allowed AESA to advance in the renewal of processes such as the management of licences for aeronautical personnel, the regulation of aeronautical easements and the implementation of improvements in the management of passenger complaints, key areas for strengthening AESA's commitment to public service.
The joint work with Ineco allows the Agency to position itself as a public institution that is a benchmark for safety and sustainability in the aviation sector, both nationally and internationally.
AESA is the Public body, attached to the Secretary of State for Transport of the Ministry of Transport and Sustainable Mobility, which ensures civil aviation regulations to comply with in all aeronautical activity in Spain.
Consult AESA's Strategic Plan 2024-2027 here.