Within the framework of the PROA Programme, Ineco is responsible for the search for talent among the people targeted by the reception system with profiles focused on the transport and communications sector.
Ineco collaborates with the Ministry of Social Security and Migration with the aim of improving the employability of the beneficiaries of the international protection reception system.
Within the framework of the PROA Programme, Ineco is responsible for the search for talent among the people targeted by the reception system with profiles focused on the transport and communications sector. During 2024, Ineco received more than 100 applications from entities in the system. Following Ineco's involvement with refugees from the conflict in Ukraine, which has allowed the company to incorporate six professionals, Proa offers employment to refugees of any origin, so that it currently has fourteen people on its staff in a situation of international protection, of which eight have been incorporated during 2024 from Ukraine, Afghanistan and Venezuela with diverse profiles such as: Railway, IT and aeronautical engineering, law and accounting degrees as well as administrative profiles.
PROA is one of the five programmes that make up the Iguales Plan, an initiative launched by Ineco at the beginning of 2024 for socio-labour insertion that promotes the incorporation of people in vulnerable situations into the team. The people integrated through any of these programmes have a personalised incorporation process that includes tutoring during the first few days, accompaniment during the first few months by a mentor to help them settle into their daily tasks, the necessary training for the proper performance of their duties and psychological support in case their situation requires it. Each of the Programmes addresses specific situations of people who, once integrated in Ineco, will contribute in an integral way to the creation of a fairer, more inclusive and diverse environment.
IKEA, Amazon, Cisco Systems and COBRA Group have also signed projects in collaboration with the General Directorate for Humanitarian Aid and the International Protection Reception System.