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A new specialisation degree in railway control, command and signalling is born

The School of Industrial Engineering of the Polytechnic University of Madrid, Ineco, Adif, Adif AV, AESF, CEDEX and Metro de Madrid have launched the first edition of their own diploma course specialising in railway control, command and signalling.

The School of Industrial Engineering of the Polytechnic University of Madrid, Ineco, Adif, Adif AV, AESF, CEDEX and Metro de Madrid have launched the first edition of their own diploma course specialising in railway control, command and signalling.

June 13, 2023

The School of Industrial Engineering of the Polytechnic University of Madrid, Ineco, Adif, Adif AV, AESF, CEDEX and Metro de Madrid have launched the first edition of their own diploma course specialising in railway control, command and signalling.

This university specialist degree includes all the installations for traffic management, operation and maintenance of safety installations, as well as detection, signalling and train protection technologies on urban and metropolitan lines, conventional passenger lines, mixed traffic and high-speed lines.It also covers detection, signalling and train protection technologies on urban and metropolitan lines, conventional passenger lines, mixed traffic and high-speed lines.

This training course will provide the professional with an overview of the railway traffic control and safety systems that ensure efficient and safe railway operation. This will cover topics such as the legal and regulatory context, the technological components of railway signalling, the ERTMS system as the implementation of railway interoperability in Europe, and urban and metropolitan systems throughout their life cycle. Students will also learn about the most recent developments in railway signalling systems, including new paradigms.

On behalf of Ineco, Silvia Domínguez, ERTMS manager, Javier Carabaño, deputy director of Railway Signalling and Land Telecommunications, and Javier Gallego, Systems Engineering director, are expected to join the teaching staff. Francisco Cifuentes, Deputy Director of the MITMA Account, Renfe and Non-Governmental Bodies, will be a member of the Academic Committee.

Ineco is a benchmark in railway control, command and signalling, leading the development and implementation of ERTMS in the Spanish network and in Europe, where it has been providing technical services for the coordination and supervision of the deployment of this system in the TEN-T European strategic corridor network since 2015 and is present in all decision-making groups. Not surprisingly, Silvia Domínguez is the only Spanish representative in the System Pillar Core Group of Europe's Rail Joint Undertaking, a joint venture that is responsible for the innovation and development of new technologies for the railway sector within the framework of the Horizon Europe project.

You can now sign up for the first edition of the specialisation diploma course in railway control, command and signalling that will begin on October 3 here.