Ineco has a team of around 50 ERTMS experts
The magazine of the Ministry of Transport and Sustainable Mobility, "Tramos", has published an extensive article in which it highlights the work carried out by Ineco in the implementation of ERTMS in Europe. According to the latest data from Adif, Spain has 2,700 km of lines equipped with this system and is one of the pioneering countries in its implementation. Since its inception, the company has always been present in the European projects and working groups defining ERTMS, working in collaboration with industry, users, regulatory bodies and safety agencies.
Ineco has a team of around 50 ERTMS experts and has been working for more than 25 years on the research, development and implementation of ERTMS in Spain, an experience that has made it a benchmark in the sector.This experience has made it a benchmark in the sector and has also been exported to countries such as Australia, where it is working on the modernisation of the 815 kilometres of the Sydney commuter network, and, previously, Turkey.
Rail traffic management systems for control, command, signalling and communication are essential to ensure the safe running of trains. Its purpose is to collect and transmit information on the location and speed of trains on each section, to ensure that it is appropriate to the characteristics of the track, and to maintain a safe distance from other trains, ultimately to avoid accidents.
In 2006, ERTMS entered service for the first time on the Madrid-Lleida high-speed line, on which Ineco provided technical assistance to GIF (Gestor de Infraestructuras Ferroviarias, Adif's predecessor), and it is now installed on practically all the high-speed networks in Spain and Italy and on a large part of the Dutch, Czech and Belgian networks. Denmark has being implementing it throughout its network since 2017, a project in which Ineco has collaborated together with CEDEX.
Read the article here.