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Committed to diversity and inclusion

Committed to diversity and inclusion

Committed to diversity and inclusion

November 29, 2022

Ineco has participated in the signing ceremony of the renewal of our commitment to the Diversity Charter for the period 2022-2024, an initiative that promotes diversity and inclusion in companies and institutions in Spain to promote social progress and economic competitiveness through awareness, research and dissemination. 

The event, which was attended by Magdalena Bodelón, general director of Organisation and Resources, and Marisa de Castro, manager of Training and Knowledge Management and head of Equality, on behalf of Ineco, was attended by a representative of the European Commission in Spain along with 34 leaders with an impact, as part of the 8th Diversity Foundation Awards.

Since 2009, Fundación Diversidad is the organisation with the exclusive mandate to promote the Charter in Spain, which is part of the European Platform of Diversity Charters, an initiative promoted by the European Commission since 2010, with more than 1,500 signatory organisations in Spain and 16,000 in the European Union.