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Galileo shows its potential and future

Dos participantes en el evento

Dos participantes en el evento

June 30, 2023

Ineco was present at 'Galileo HAS DAYS', the event that brought together the Galileo High Accuracy Service (HAS) community. Industry, application developers and international experts have been able to learn about the service and its capabilities, features and future. Galileo is the European global navigation satellite system with worldwide coverage, of civilian origin and at the service of the international community. The facilities of the National Institute for Aerospace Technology (INTA) hosted this event, as well as the visit to the facilities of the European GNSS Services Centre (GSC), which houses the High Accuracy Data Generator (HADG), which calculates the orbit corrections and the HAS service clock that are transmitted via the Galileo constellation satellites and the Internet. At the opening of the event, representatives of the European Commission, EUSPA and MITMA shared with the participants the relevance and capabilities that the Galileo HAS service provides for the development of value-added solutions and applications in the different transport modes. In addition, they have also highlighted its differentiating factor compared to other GNSS systems today. Ineco is part of the industrial group led by SpaceOpal GmbH, which is in charge of operating the Galileo system within the Galileo Service Operator (GSOp) contract signed with EUSPA. Ineco is responsible for the first level operation and maintenance of the systems deployed in the GSC as well as the management of the centre's hosting services.